Burger King cook who didn’t miss a day of work in 27 years buys first home after fundraiser

‘It’s a Christmas miracle’
A man who worked at Burger King for nearly 30 years has bought his own house after receiving over £315,000 in donations.

Kevin Ford worked as a cook at Burger King for 27 years without missing a single day in that time.

For his service to Burger King, all he was given was a backpack with tickets to the cinema, a Starbucks cup, some sweets, and chocolates – to which he appeared delighted to receive, but many others felt this was an insult.

A video of Kevin with his gift was shared online where it quickly went viral, prompting a fundraiser to be set up.

At the time of writing the fundraiser has currently raised more than $440,000 (£346,000).

Sharing an incredible update in December, the fundraiser revealed that Kevin had used some of the money to buy his first house in Pahrump, Nevada, paying $177,000 for the property with three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

He then took to social media to thank all those who supported him, writing: “I wanted to show you something, something you made possible, you did for me, just a hardworking guy.

“Now I know it needs some work, gonna cut off the haters already, I know its not a mansion but it’s mine.”

The initial GoFundMe read: “In no way are we asking for money or is he expecting any money.

“But if anyone feels like blessing him he would love to visit his grandchildren.”

While the GoFundMe raised way over $400,000, the family was left with $350,000 after the website took a “sizeable chunk” of the money.

Kevin added: “I want to thank everyone all around the world for what you have done for me, something I never thought would be possible for me, homeownership.

“Now my kids and my grandkids have a place to come visit me, and I just want to thank everybody for being a part of this miracle and for everything you’ve done for me and continue to do for me everyday.

“This is truly an American dream, it’s a Christmas miracle.”

And with the money that’s left over Kevin plans to renovate his home, give some to his daughter, and put the rest towards his retirement.

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