AI prediction of what remote worker will look like in 25 years

The Hunchback of WFH

Yeah working from home might seem like the absolute dream but in 25 years we could be facing some serious drawbacks.
That is if this AI interpretation is anything to go off. Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic, lots of employees across the globe got used to working from home, be it entirely remote or on a hybrid system.

Many of us start the day in bed and then potter downstairs to sit in our pyjamas until 5pm, occasionally styling our hair and sticking on a nice shirt if there’s a Zoom meeting in the schedule to ruin your day.

It’s a glorious way to work but is it good for the long run? Well this is Susan.
She’s an AI concocted image of what the remote worker looks like in 25 years.

Susan was created by DirectApply and due to the working conditions of a remote worker, Susan is said to be representative of how we will look.

Susan has bad eyesight, a tech neck, inflamed eyes, awful posture, and is heavily overweight.

This is all due to working from home. Sitting in front of a screen for eight plus hours a day, getting little sunlight, and little physical activity.

Her skin is wrinkled from Vitamin D and she’s got repetitive typing strain in her fingers.

A spokesperson at DirectApply told the Daily Mail: “From reduced social interaction and lack of proper exercise, to hunched shoulders and digital eye strain – Susan outlines the many physical implications of what spending hours glued to your laptop can unknowingly be doing to your physical and mental well-being.”

Working from home is definitely a blessing but try not to fall victim to bad habits. Make sure to get your vitamin D, make sure to exercise, maintain a healthy diet, sit with good posture, and… you should be alright.

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