Woman tells influencers to 'get a real job' as they're taking pictures outside

Two influencers have copped a serious serve from a passerby as they was taking photos outside.

Love Island Australia star Tayla Mellington was with a group of pals when they decided to head out to snap some content for their social media.

The 28-year-old and her mates were outside a home on the Gold Coast when a woman pushing a pram told them to get lost.

“We were minding our own business, taking photos, and this chick comes up and starts abusing us,” she said.
“She’s like ‘you’re devaluing the property, we’re going to call the police, and we just didn’t say anything.

“And she said ‘you really don’t care do you?’ and I replied ‘no not really’.”

Tayla and her Love Island co-star Ruby Ennor tried to crack on with their amateur photoshoot, but the woman didn't let up.

She recalled: “[The woman] was like, ‘would you stand in front of someone else’s house and take photos?’ and I’m like yeah, we do that.

“She said we were invading their privacy. I’m not going into their home, it’s out the front part is where we take photos.

“We’d never go into someone’s property.”

That's when the woman unleashed and told them to get real jobs instead of spending their time taking pictures for Instagram. Brutal.

But that wasn't it. According to Tayla and Ruby, the angry passerby saved her best dig for last.

“Then she goes, ‘you’re not that attractive, if you were you’d get paid to do modelling’. And I was like, excuse me?" Tayla said.


Tayla said: “She had a baby with her, just abusing us. She walked off and put the finger up at us.”

People in the comments were floored by the accusations and begged them for a part two or video evidence of the angry woman.

Ms Mellington didn't disappoint and uploaded a followup video that showed the woman in question telling them off and then walking off with her middle finger in the air.

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