Woman shows how to change duvet cover in 90 seconds

If you're like most people on this godforsaken planet, you will have, at some point, struggled to change your duvet cover.
Well, a TikToker has come to save the day, showing her followers how to switch the covers in a little over a minute. Watch below:

Anna Vihareva is known for her nifty little tricks that make life that bit easier, and her rolling technique for changing the bedding is another of those.

In the video, Anna turns out the duvet cover and places it evenly across the bed.

She then places the duvet, or blanket, as she calls it, on top before 'rolling it up to the side of the cut of the duvet cover'.

Finally, she then turns out both the edges and rolls it back out across the bed.

Comprenez? No. Well, me neither, really. But you're not alone.

Commenting on the post, one user said: "I'm still confused."

Another added: "I don't know why but I cannot wrap my head around this."
However, there were plenty of others who were very thankful for her handy tip.

"Not to be dramatic but you just changed my life," said one convert.

Others still took the opportunity to also share their own tips and tricks of the trade.

Explaining their own method to making the bed, one person commented: "I like to put the duvet inside out and... vigorously shake it. Helps get my frustration out."

But it seems the roll-out technique is actually quite popular.

A while back, Sophie Liard shared the clip on her TikTok for others to follow and it's especially helpful for those changing the sheets alone - and also means you're less likely to end up sweating your way into clean covers.
Sophie, who is known as The Folding Lady, begins by spreading the duvet out on top of the clean cover. Keeping the corners together she then rolls the entire thing down like a sausage.

After that, she tucks the corners in at either side before flipping it over and unravelling it to reveal that the cover is miraculously on the duvet with very little effort.

Sophie shared her 'hack' on TikTok and it's racked up hundreds of thousands of views and likes from all over the world.

Similarly impressed by her skills, Sophie's followers thanked her for the tip.

Commenting on the post, one user said: "I've done this every time since I saw your first video of this."

While another added: "This changed my life forever."

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