Grim reality of what happens when you don't wash your belly button

The human body can generate rather unpleasant substances when the opportunity arises.
However, despite the apparent repulsiveness, there exists a peculiar morbid interest in things that possess a slight element of disgust.

Although there seems to be a delicate boundary, where popping pimples falls within an acceptable level of grossness, while exhibiting a dissected cadaver crosses into excessive territory.

Dr. Karan Raj consistently discovers the perfect balance of queasiness in his videos discussing the intriguing and unusual capacities of our bodies. Ranging from explaining the strangely satisfying sensation of using Q-tips in your ears (even though it's advised against), to demonstrating the removal of surplus fluid from the abdomen in his TikTok posts.

In his most recent video, he illustrates the potential consequences of neglecting the proper cleaning of a universally present opening. Failing to maintain this specific orifice can lead to the accumulation of substances within it, yielding expectedly unpleasant outcomes.
I am, naturally, referring to none other than the navel – what else could it be?

Dr. Raj clarifies that neglecting the cleansing of your belly button can result in the collection of various debris, such as oils, deceased skin cells, lint, and any other nearby particles.

He elaborated: "All apertures in the flesh have the potential to amass sweat, expired skin cells, oils, fabric fibers, bacteria, and the forbidden cheese."

In the majority of cases, maintaining regular hygiene suffices. However, failing to do so can lead to a significant accumulation.
Dr Raj said: "If not washed out on a regular basis, this material can accumulate and harden into an omphalolith – a belly button stone.

"Belly button stones come in a wide array of colours, it's usually black but can be a light brown."

You must have to leave it for a really, really long time for things to get that bad!

Hygiene around your belly button is even more important if you have a piercing there. Not having proper hygiene in the umbilical cord's former plug-in point can lead to infections which can get pretty nasty if you're not careful.

Regularly washing out a piercing with a saline solution, which is labelled for cleaning wounds, can be a good way to prevent infections.

For those with un-pierced buttons, regular soap and water is probably find to keep things nice and clean. However, if things do get bad down there, you should always consult your doctor.

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