Kirk Cameron shares throwback wedding photos alongside sweetest message ever to wife of 32 years

Separation rates among celebrity couples are higher than the general public for various reasons, so when a pair celebrates an anniversary, especially one that’s lasted several decades, it’s cause for a celebration.

Kirk Cameron, known for playing the role of Mike Seaver in Growing Pains, recently honored his wife Chelsea Noble on the couple’s 32nd wedding anniversary.

“Chelsea, you have changed my life, are my dream come true, and given me the most beautiful family of six unique and amazing children. You leave me humbled and speechless everyday- I can never find the words to capture my gratitude for you- your true love and affection, your honesty and devotion, your loyalty and un-cageable free-spirit,” he shared on social media.

“The handsome Greek tried, but the charming Scott won the prize!😉But I guess in the end, you still have a full house of growing pains!😊We we’re just kids here, barely understanding marriage, but trusting God’s leading, and now we have “a thing”- a real love that’s made us stronger, more grateful, and given us children older than the kids in these photos.”

Cameron first met Noble while visiting the set of Full House, the show responsible for jumpstarting his sister Candace Cameron’s career.

In 2013, Kirk recalled his mother telling him about Noble.

“I came home and my mom said to me…’She’s even more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside. … I just want you to know, if you ever meet a girl and you get married, I hope she’s someone just like her,'” he remembered. “Four years later, I married her.”

The couple, who co-starred in Growing Pains, married in 1991.

32 years ago, I watched the most beautiful woman I have ever seen walk down the aisle to be my wife. Chelsea, you have...

Posted by Kirk Cameron on Thursday, July 20, 2023

“I don’t wonder where the time went, because the hours stand still when I’m with you. I never want to be anywhere else than with you.”

“Looking back on over three decades together, we’ve poured the mornings, days and evenings into each other, our marriage, our kids, Camp Firefly, nightly family dinners, Silver Lake summers, your amazing moms class, hiking trails at sunset, and our heavenly calling to diffuse the fragrance of God’s love wherever we go. That’s your specialty. You do that so well. Everyone knows but none better than me. And our kids,” Kirk reflected.

Kirk and Chelsea share six children together, two biological and four who were adopted.
“Every minute spent with you is stored up in my heart and I still have warehouses of room. Let’s make make another 32 years of memories together, even better than the first.🕺🏼🔥💃🏻I love you. -your undeserving husband, Kirk”

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